Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Product (GNP), the economic model used globally, only focuses on growth. However, it’s important to keep in mind that growth is not always to the benefit of humanity and the environment. Resource use per person increased by 9.1% in the EU-27 between 2000 and 2007, reaching some 17 tonnes per person annually. In this time when resources are becoming scarce and our planet and its people cannot afford to sustain current levels of consumption, we must make different choices on how and what we consume and how we define growth. Understand more about how our system stands and how it is and could change in the future.
Image: Julie Shiels, 2021. Featured in Poster Project III: A Call To Art.
Economics Help – here you can learn about the difference between Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI). It explains the three economic indicators in simple terms and provides examples and comparisons of how they are calculated and used.
Australia Institute – a think tank based in Australia which outlines how “GDP is a Poor Measure of Progress” and discusses how GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is often used as a measure of a country’s economic progress but is not an accurate indicator of a society’s overall well-being. The paper argues that GDP does not take into account important factors such as environmental degradation.
Institute for Economics and Peace – an independent, non-partisan think tank that provides information about the Institute’s research and activities on issues related to peace, security and economic prosperity.
United Nations – information on the importance of sustainable consumption and production patterns in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Post-Growth Institute – promotes a sustainable and equitable post-growth society. It provides information on the concept of “post-growth”, which prioritizes economic, social, and environmental well-being over GDP growth, and offers resources, articles, and events related to the post-growth movement, and a platform for dialogue, research, and collaboration on the idea of a post-growth society.
Market Forces – an Australian NGO that campaigns for banks, superannuation funds, and governments to shift their investments away from activities that contribute to climate change and towards clean energy and sustainable solutions.
Donought Economics – advocates for a new economic model, called the Doughnut Economics model, different from that of the circular economy, which aims to balance social and planetary boundaries within the economy.
Center for Sustainable Economy – a non-profit organization working on developing and promoting alternative measures of progress and well-being that go beyond GDP. They have developed a Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) framework and tool, and provide resources and research on the use of GPI in policy and decision-making.
The New Economic Foundation (NEF) – a think tank that works to promote a sustainable and equitable economy. They provide research, analysis, and policy recommendations on various topics such as degrowth, green economy, and alternative economic systems. T
The Global Ecovillage Network – promotes sustainable communities and lifestyles as an alternative to unsustainable economic systems. They provide resources, training, and networking opportunities for ecovillages and sustainable communities around the world.
The Circular Economy Hub – aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Australia. The website provides information on the circular economy, including case studies, resources, and events related to the circular economy in Australia.
Sustainability Victoria – provides information on the circular economy for business, including case studies, resources and events on the circular economy, specifically in the state of Victoria.
Circle Economy – a global non-profit that provides a platform for collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing towards a circular economy. The website provides information, research and events on circular economy, and also provides consulting and training services to organizations and governments to implement circular economy strategies.
Centre for International Governance Innovation – an independent think tank. The website provides information on the impacts of trade on the environment, including the effects of trade liberalization on emissions, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity. It also provides research and analysis on how to reconcile trade and environmental goals.
Global Justice Now – campaigns for economic and social justice. The website provides information and resources on the impact of trade and globalization on climate change, including the effects of trade liberalization on emissions, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity.
Harvard Business School – an insightful blog post that discusses the effects of globalization on the environment, including the impact of increased trade and transportation on air and water pollution, and the effects of globalization on natural resources.
United Nations Environment Programme – provides information on the impacts of trade on the environment, including the effects of trade liberalization on emissions, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity. It also highlights the importance of sustainable development and the need for policies to reconcile trade and environmental goals.
University of Kansas – studies that examine the relationship between globalization and environmental degradation, focusing on the impact of global economic integration on air and water pollution, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity.
The Schumacher Center for New Economics – does work to promote an economy that is both local and global, in harmony with nature and community, and which ensures social and economic well-being for all. They provide resources, events and publications to support new economic thinking and its implementation. Their website is
Transition Network – works to provide information on the concept of transition and how it can be applied to different sectors of the economy, such as food, energy, and finance. It also provides resources, articles, and events related to transition and localization and how they can be integrated to create a more sustainable economy.
Local Futures – promotes a more sustainable and equitable future through localization. The website provides information and resources on the idea of localization, which is the process of shifting economic, political, and cultural systems to a more local and decentralized level.
The website also includes information on the wonderful “Planet Local” film, which is a documentary film that explores the effects of globalization on communities and the environment, and the potential solutions offered by localization.