SHADOWS by Angela Viora

Angela Viora and SHADOWS

SHADOWS, Angela Viora: "Tracing the trees’ shadows on the ground with chalk, pedestrians see the traces the day after during the day-light, stepping onto them. Hopefully, they look up and see the beautiful trees standing next. I hope that these interventions will work as reminders to Melbournians of the importance of the work that trees do for us 24/7, incessantly, day and night."
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Not Now, Not Ever.

Not Now, Not Ever is a techno-arachnid fantasy – a sing-and-dance-along to Julia Gillard’s ‘Misogyny Speech’ and a meditation on what it means to bring a girl into the twenty-first century.
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You’re Safe Til 2024

We live in a strange moment in the history of the Earth. Humans are building cities, damming rivers, digging up fossil fuels and transforming the very face of the planet.
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