Image ©Rachel Mounsey/ Oculi.

This photograph of Coal Face podcasters Josie Hess and Steph Sabrinskas was taken for REGENEROSITY, an exhibition initiated by FLOAT 3909 and Gippsland Community Power Hub and subsequently shown at CLIMARTE Gallery, 2022

Cultural Mapping

This community focused project makes visible vital creative work responding to the Climate Emergency in all its manifestations.

With direction and input from local artists, activists and culture workers, honouring 65,000+ years of continuous caring for country, we are supporting Cultural Mapping projects that honour First Nations people’s stories and generate ‘maps’ that weave history, creative practice and vision for a positive future.

This is experimental emergent work to celebrate and encourage local collaborative community efforts.

Community Organisers


Founded in 2010, CLIMARTE harnesses the creative power of the arts to inform, engage and inspire action on the climate crisis. Bringing together a broad alliance from across the arts, humanities and sciences, CLIMARTE advocates for immediate, effective and creative action to restore a climate capable of sustaining all life.

Voices of the Valley

Voices of the Valley is a community advocacy group based in the Latrobe Valley. Its primary activities are advocating on behalf of the community to improve health, environmental quality and working towards a transition for the whole community from a coal-based economy to a diverse economy based on renewable energy.

We gratefully acknowledge Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation for making the
Cultural Mapping project possible through a Proactive grant.