P.P.P.P public discussion and celebration

P.P.P.P invite for the 18th May

On the eve of Australia's Federal election, we had a public discussion of the role street posters play in mobilising communities to demand a better future. The discussion was led by Dr. Clare McCracken, a CLIMARTE poster artist (2019) and recipient of Vice Chancellors scholarship for her practice-led research which sits at the intersection of art, cultural geography and urban theory.
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If not now, then when? A Conversation on Culture and Climate Action

What must we do in the next 11 years to act decisively to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change; and, how can culture move people from awareness to action to ensure a just and sustainable future for all life on Earth?
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Climate Bites NATURE

Sink your teeth into climate bites for info packed discussions with experts on food, water, fashion and nature. Take away practical knowledge and tips to bite back against our climate emergency.
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Climate Bites FASHION

Sink your teeth into climate bites for info packed discussions with experts on food, water, fashion and nature. Take away practical knowledge and tips to bite back against our climate emergency.
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Climate Bites FOOD

Sink your teeth into climate bites for info packed discussions with experts on food, water, fashion and nature. Take away practical knowledge and tips to bite back against our climate emergency.
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A Museum for the path ahead: New York City’s Climate Museum

This keynote will address why we need a cultural shift in response to the climate crisis, and why dedicated climate museums are a necessary, though not sufficient, component of that shift.
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Climate Bites WATER

Sink your teeth into climate bites for info packed discussions with experts on food, water, fashion and nature. Take away practical knowledge and tips to bite back against our climate emergency.
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Museums & Activism: Slaying the Zombie Myth of Institutional Neutrality

Slaying the Zombie Myth of Institutional Neutrality

Beka Economopoulos and Jason Jones are the co-founders of The Natural History Museum and Not An Alternative, a collective that works at the intersection of art, activism and theory.
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