Creative Constellations: Atlas of Radical Hope

14 February - 2 March 2024. In the context of the Climate Emergency, 'Creative Constellations: Atlas of Radical Hope' is an exhibition making visible locally focused creative work that intersects climate, culture and community in ways that boldly envision a fair, socially and ecologically sustainable future based on respect and reciprocity. This exhibition is proudly held in association with the National Sustainability Festival.
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The Climate Quilt

A square for The CLIMATE QUILT

Initiated by the late Mary Good, driven by Carol Ride from Psychology for a Safe Climate, and brought together by Jo Lane, 'The Climate Quilt' is comprised of sewn squares of concern for our climate, our environment, and our future. Our special offering at this time of contemplation, 'The Climate Quilt' is on show in the front room of 120 Bridge Road, Richmond from 20 December 2023 until early February 2024.
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From nowhere

On display in the shopfront windows of 120 Bridge Road, Richmond from mid September until early December 2023, Joe Newton-Keogh’s 'From nowhere' explored the boundaries of consciousness through mostly rescued ‘waste’. His project was born in isolation during COVID. Repurposing wire, he literally created his own companions and community. In the Climate Emergency context - by turning waste into fellow ‘beings’ - Newton-Keogh’s work represents a form of active resistance to the isolating and exploitative forces at the heart of it.
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A Disability Lens on Climate Emergency

Tristana Fitzgerald, The Wilderness Within, 297mm x 420mm, Linocut on Paper, 2023

6 July - 5 August 2023. Curated by Louise Marson, A Disability Lens on Climate Emergency showcases the unique perspectives that Deaf and Disabled people bring to the climate crisis. A Disability Lens on Climate Emergency is proudly supported by the City of Yarra, CLIMARTE and Arts Access Victoria.
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Louise Rippert, Reflect, 2019.

31 May - 1 July 2023. In the context of the Climate Emergency, and timed with the end of the financial year, FLOW is an exhibition exploring what a better future looks like. Examining flows between money, politics, information and power, artwork in FLOW poses critical questions about financial flows, reminds us of the vital interconnections and interdependencies between all life, and shows the profound possibilities of economic systems based on respect and reciprocity.
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Invisible Winds

Image: Polly Stanton and Byron Dean, still from ‘Emergent Fields’, 2019 (video and stereo sound, 19mins).

26 April - 27 May 2023. Depictions of wind often symbolise the chaotic, raw and brutal powers of nature. Created through the opposing forces of cold and warm air, winds can create severe and widespread destruction - moving oceans, eroding landscapes, toppling the built environment, and displacing communities. From desert storms and tornadoes to typhoons and hurricanes, winds typically instil fear. Yet as a productive force, wind has the energy and power we need to sustain our living needs. A cool breeze on a summer day is welcome and the sounds carried by whispering winds have been known to cast spells. Wind can also instil awe and wonder, connecting us to spirituality, folklore, history, and the changing of the seasons.
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Climate Guardians performing with Federation Handbells on Melbourne's Princes Bridge at dusk as delegates were arriving for Day 1 of COP26 in Glasgow, 31 October 2021. Photo by Julian Meehan.

15 March - 22 April 2023. Tracing the history of climate activism, REVOLT features performance, dialogue, painting, sculpture, and multi-media to explore civil society’s role and response to industrial-scale destruction of the earth’s ecosystems to re-imagine a decolonised future, with a focus on repairing and regenerating the natural world.
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Kate Gorringe-Smith Eastern Curlew, Westernport Icon: I am my habitat, 2021 Linocut on ecoprint; presented on 18 sheets of paper, tabbed and numbered, c. 300 x 250 cm. Photo: Andrej Kocis

8 February - 11 March 2023. We often look to birds to represent our dreams of flight and freedom. They carry the weight of our longing effortlessly, and grace our skies and days with their songs and elegance. BIRD is a celebration of all birdlife. It explores the richness these feathered denizens of the air manifest, while planning ways to urgently protect them from Climate Emergency impacts.
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Imaginary Animal Real Estate

6 January - 4 February 2023. 'Imaginary Animal Real Estate', A Furr & Fethaz Real Estate production by Eva Alisic aims to make us both laugh and reflect. On display in the main CLIMARTE window, its sublime and stunning property offerings make us think about inner-city biodiversity, housing affordability and land rights, within the broader context of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals.
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Louise Feneley, Peas, carrots and celery fabric sculpture

30 November - 21 December 2022. We all rely on food.  Food is nourishing and poisonous. Feeding the world; feeding the soil, feeding the plants. feeding the animals and feeding the 8 billion* people on the planet, takes on dystopian proportions. CLIMARTE presents an exhibition and public events on food including a commissioned piece**,exploring aspects of food choices on our health and the health of ecosystems upon which all lives depend.
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FOREST: The Last Stand

Image: Sarah McConnell, 'Remnant'. Book of 5 etching/aquatints with chin colle.

2 - 26 November 2022. In the lead up to Victoria's state election, 'FOREST: The Last Stand' exposes why our precious natural forests are so critically endangered, honours the communities protecting them and invites new defenders.
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Hanging by a thread

Serap Osman, Hands all over.

12 - 29 October 2022. 'Hanging by a thread' is an exhibition about the climate and environmental impact of fashion design and production, and the exciting developments that could transform the industry from being appallingly ecocidal to one that genuinely is absolutely fabulous.
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Image ©Rachel Mounsey/ Oculi of 'Coal Face' Podcasters Josie Hess and Steph Sabrinskas

3 - 9 October 2022. REGENEROSITY is an exhibition of new work by Rachel Mounsey that portrays the exuberance of Gippsland’s sustainability landscape and its generous, persistent people. Note: extended open days due to one week show.
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Solastalgia & tomorrow

Bridget Nicholson, 'Touch this earth lightly.'

12 September - 1 October 2022. In 2007 Professor Glenn Albrecht proposed the word 'solastalgia' to enable understanding of environmentally induced distress.  The word is derived from both solace and nostalgia recognised as being critical components in an emotional response to dramatic change in the environment, landscape, and home. Now in 2022 this concept is far more broadly understood and Albrecht himself has moved on recognising the need to think imaginatively of our future. In this show works come together from 2009 through to 2022 that vibrate with humanness expressing a desire to be part of a greater world.
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Critical Limit: An Urgent Call for Collective Climate Action

Image courtesy of Extinction Rebellion. City of Yarra Collection.

4 August - 3 September 2022. 'Critical Limit: An Urgent Call for Collection Action' presents works from the City of Yarra arts collection and beyond with an environmental focus. Across moving image, photography, painting, prints and sculpture the works explore issues contributing to the climate emergency and its impact on our animal life and natural ecologies.
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The #everydayclimatecrisis Visual Petition

18 June - 2 July 2022. The #everydayclimatecrisis Visual Petition is the result of a call out to all women and non-binary people of Australia to create images about Australia's climate crisis, in their local area and country-wide. The Petition's 1,248 printed images showing the effects of climate change were delivered to Federal Parliament in Canberra on 9th June 2022. The ultimate aim is for them to be waved around in Question Time, not a lump of coal. CLIMARTE is thrilled to present artwork from this incredible collaboration.
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Yandell Walton, Ecological-Encroachment, 2021.

25 May - 5 June 2022. Produced by Centre for Projection Art, EVANESCE features work by artists whose practice deeply engages with critical issues associated with the Climate Emergency. 25 May - 5 June 2022. 'EVANESCE' is a collaboration between CLIMARTE and the Centre for Projection Art, and officially launches CLIMARTE's ART+CLIMATE=ACTION program to present powerful climate justice artwork and creative projects on an ongoing basis.
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Poster Projects Past & Present (P.P.P.P.) Exhibition

Two 2022 CLIMARTE Posters, Tai Snaith and Sam Wallman

22 April - 18 June 2022. Poster Projects Past & Present (P.P.P.P.) Posters remain a dynamic form of communication. From propaganda to grassroots organising, from infographics to memes, from advertising to subvertising, posters have informed, influenced, mocked, roused and inspired generation after generation. The CLIMARTE Poster Projects have visited Melbourne’s streets since 2016 provoking public dialogue and accelerating a response to climate change. P.P.P.P. is an exhibition of all our Posters.
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Martin King, 'tree of life, diary of lost souls in twenty volumes No.1'

'TREE' 11 - 22 October 2022 CLIMARTE presented an exhibition of 25 commissioned artworks that depict and communicate a City of Melbourne’s tree and its experience of life. The trees are from the City of Melbourne’s celebrated Urban Forest project. Life has a layered dialogue with trees in the city context.
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FIRE Exhibition

9 February - 19 March 2022. CLIMARTE was proud to start 2022 with FIRE, an exhibition by artists who have experienced or make work about fire. More extreme and ferocious fires, particularly in Australia, are a huge consequence of the changes in climate due to global warming caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Artists in FIRE have experienced its ravaging effects first hand.
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HEAR Exhibition

10 November - 18 December 2021, HEAR. CLIMARTE was proud to open the world’s first Climate Emergency Gallery with HEAR, an exhibition of contemporary Indigenous art calling for all Australians to listen to and care for Country. For CLIMARTE, it was critically important that the Gallery open with First Nations artists’ voices. We were humbled by the opportunity to present this exceptional collection of deeply engaging artwork.
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